Saturday, 23 May 2015

2015 in 2015 Challenge

I'm always looking for a way to keep active, and I find it very hard to keep motivated. When I stumbled across this challenge on Run the Edge Facebook page just after Christmas, I immediately checked it out and wanted to take part! 

2,015 rte banner

The challenge is simple; 5 miles a day, every day for the year which totals 2015 miles! You could do it yourself or as part of a team, you could walk or run or a combination of both. I asked two of my friends to join me so we could combine our walking to reach the 2015 miles (3242 KMS) together! 

We named our team "FITCHICKS" as we are going to use our FitBits to keep track of our daily steps and KMS. And because we are using our FitBits to help keep tracking easy, we have each challenged ourselves to walk 2015KMS in 2015 (1252 miles each) in total steps! As this is a US based challenge, totals are entered in miles, so we'll have to do the conversions when entering our results.

As an avid scrapbooker, I have kept myself motivated by taking pictures along the way. It's been amazing to see the transformations of the creek at Kiwanis Park throughout the first part of the year, it seems to be different every time I walk by. Sometimes, just knowing I am making an album to track this journey, helps me to get out for my walk.

If you are interested in a challenge like this... you can start anytime, simply register at the Run The Edge sign up page and start walking/running! You don't have to complete 2015 kms/miles - choose your own goal - 5KMS a day from June 1 - Dec 31 is 1070KMS and completely doable! 

Take the pledge, get moving and why not take some photos along the way to celebrate your accomplishment and to help keep you motivated... it's fun and you'll feel happy you did!

Happy Scrappin' & Walkin'!

Did you know 10,000 steps...
is about 1.5 hours of walking
a distance of 7 KMS  or 4.35Miles
burns 405 Calories

Check out some of the photos and album pages I've completed so-far....

Digital Scrapbooking Kits Used:

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