Sunday 12 April 2015

My Weekend Challenge

After a busy week of life in general, the weekend mornings are for me... It's time for me to enjoy 'playing' with my photos and releasing those creative juices! I've challenged myself to create two 2-page layouts each weekend. It's not much, and when I'm working for a client, I certainly complete more (usually do this much in an hour)... but this is time for ME, to enjoy MY photos and the creative process while having my morning coffee.

So, here are this weekends completed layouts.....

Want to learn more about digital scrapbooking, I can help! Contact me about my custom album making service or products/services to help you do it yourself!

Helping you get your photos out of your computer and into your life!
T :)

Digital Scrapbooking Software: Order NOW
Digital Scrapbooking Content: Order NOW
Photo Organizing Software: Order NOW


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