March came in like a Lion… will it go out like a Lamb?
One of the many challenges we face as album makers is staying organized! With that in mind, your challenge this month is to gather all your scrapbooking supplies and get them organized so you’re always ready to crop!
To participate; simply follow the step-by-step cards below. You will work at your own pace during the month and comment below to say you are taking the challenge – it’s that easy! And the great thing is, if you are not able to participate this month, the instruction cards will always be here for you when you are ready – or when you need to do it again!wink emoticon
Please share what works for you along the way and be sure to take and share before & after pictures, we’d love to see them!
Happy Organizing!
Tammy :)
Step 1: Gather
It’s time to find all the supplies that you’ve stashed here, there and everywhere. Then find a space where you can lay everything out. You may need a space that you can dedicate a few days to wink emoticon
Digi-Girls: Review Content Manager
There are 3 levels of content organization in Artisan 5: Library folders, categories and tags
- see links for more information: Pixels2Pages: Click Here / Content Manager: Click Here
Step 2: Sort
This is our starting point – 3 Piles: Paper, Stickers, and Embellishments!
Find a box or a bag to place in items you know you will not use; we'll collect these items at the April Retreat & May Crop for a swap table and donate the left overs to local children's organizations.
Digi-Girls: Get to know your Library Folders
The library contains folders where your art kits are located in your windows directory. There are four different types of folders:
- Built in Kits that came pre-installed with the software,
- Commercial Art Kits – the default location for all purchased kits
- Personal Art Kits – for kits you create
- Font Kits – for font kits as shapes.
You can also create additional folders according to how you want to organize, such as by designer, alpha sets, overlays etc. Check it out: Pixels2Pages: Click Here / Content Manager: Click Here
Step 3: Paper
So, I’m a bit of a paper nut! I LOVE cutting a new sheet of paper! But then what do I do with that little piece that’s left over – I keep it of course, but am I really going to USE it? It’s time to re-look at those bits and 'purge' into the Donation Box!
For organizing - I use a paper carrier/desk top file folder to organize my full sheets and a separate one for my part sheets of cardstock.
For Power Palettes, I use the power pallet folders from CM (from years ago!) But you could easily use a zip lock bag. Iris box too.
I separated each bag into Palette, then added miscellaneous bags such as Spring/Summer, Fall/Winter, Sports, Christmas etc. (I will add the coordinating stickers later when I get to the sticker pile!)
Digi-Girls: Get to know your Categories
Categories are labels that you apply to kits and can be organized how you like (themes, seasons, papers, colours, overlays, alphasets etc). Kits can be in multiple categories yet not creating multiple copies of the same kit
Content Manager: Click Here / Pixels2Pages: Click Here
Step 4: Stickers
Remember those Mrs. Grossman’s Stickers? Do you still need them, really, truly, are you sure? Be sure to 'purge' as you sort through your stickers and place the ones you will not use in your Donation Box!
Digi-Girls: Sort your content into Categories
Categories are labels that you apply to kits and can be organized how you like (themes, seasons, papers, colours, overlays, alphasets etc)
Kits can be in multiple categories yet not creating multiple copies of the same kit
Content Manager: Click Here / Pixels2Pages: Click Here
Step 5: Embellishments
We all have these, they came as part of a kit and you used everything else but a few pieces…
`Be sure to 'purge' as you go and place in your Donation Box!
Digi-Girls: Tags - this may take a while!
Tags are used to locate specific elements regardless of which kit or category they belong to. Tags are labels you want to apply to individual elements, each element can have many tags.
Pixels2Pages: Click Here / Tags: Click Here
Step 6: Storage
Shelving units, Iris boxes, and Scrapbooking Totes are all great places to store your newly organized supplies - figure out a system that works best for you to stay organized and quickly pack for a crop event! Be sure to SHARE what works for you, we could all use new ideas!
Digi-Girls: Did you know you can organize your Fonts into Font Categories?
Fonts: Click Here / Pixels2Pages: Click Here
BONUS: Tools
Follow the same steps with your tools, if you're not ready to 'purge' some of your tools that you are no longer using, box them up, lable and place into storage. That way you will still have them if you ever need it, but it's not taking up space in your crop bag!
Digi-Girls: This is a great time to save your activation codes! Also a good time to make a back up copy of your completed projects too!
That's it! Congratulations, you're now organized and ready to crop!