Friday, 3 July 2015

NEW Digi Kits from Panstoria!

Did you know Panstoria releases NEW KITS two times a month? 

That's right! They release about 75 NEW KITS twice a month - always on the  1st and 15th! Just like CM released them at the first of the month and you would purchase what you liked each month to keep it easy for you to order what you liked/needed, you can do that with Panstoria TWICE a month - yay!!!

With many different designers, there is a HUGE variety of styles and kits to choose from!

Please use the links on this blog to order your Panstoria Kits and Products so that your order is associated with my affiliate account, otherwise the sale will go directly to the Panstoria Home Office. Thank You!!!
Click Here to Order NEW Kits

Here are 8 of my picks for the July 1 release:


Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Get it PRINTED Challenge!

With the recent announcement of the closing of BLACKS, I am reminded how important it is to print your photos/images. We as a society are taking MORE pictures than ever before, but sadly less than 10% are ever printed. 

So, here's a simple challenge  for you, to help you celebrate your memories of this year, so far....

Your Challenge is to print your January 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015 images/pictures by July 15, 2015 - that's it, that's all you have to do!

Why take the challenge? To get your pictures PRINTED, of course! A PRINTED photo cannot be lost in cyber-space or technology upgrades or computer crashes, it is the SAFEST way to preserve your memories... so let's get them printed!

How to quickly organize, edit and print your photos:
I use Historian from FOREVER to organize, store and edit my photos. I've used it for YEARS (formerly Memory Manager). So, these instructions are base on the Historian Software. See below too for a visual on how this is done in Historian.
  1. Import all your photos into Historian
  2. Create a Category "2015"
  3. Create tags for each month
  4. Create 'event' tags if needed (for special events you don't want in your monthly folders)
  5. Drag & drop your photos into the appropriate folder
  6. Open the 1st folder
  7. Select each photo you want to print by giving it a "4 Star" rating
  8. As you come across an image you want enlarged when printed, give it a '5 Star' rating
  9. Continue with each folder
  10. Change view to see only "4 Star or higher" rated images 
  11. Use the Auto Fix button to edit images and then any other editing or cropping you want to do for each image.
  12. Save all "4 Star" images to your desktop in a NEW folder marked 2015 4x6 
  13. Change view to "5 Star"
  14. Crop all to appropriate size you want printed and edit each image
  15. SAVE into a folder on your desktop with the coordinating photo size
  16. Now that you are organized, edited and ready to upload to your photo provider to print!
50 FREE Prints from Shutterfly: Click Here to get started

That's it... not too painful!
Happy Printing!

PS - now that your photos are PRINTED.... why not get them into ALBUMS!
just sayin'....

(If you like how easy it is to or organize, edit and print from Historian Click Here to purchase Historian)

Please contact me in you have any questions, I'm happy to help!
Happy Scrapbooking!
Tammy :)

Click HERE to check out all the Digital Artwork FOREVER has to offer.
Click HERE for Photo Management & Digital Scrapbooking Software

Click HERE for information on permanent cloud FOREVER Photo Storage
Click Here to see how FOREVER can help you manage your photos & memories
Click Here for Creative Memories Paper Scrapbooking Products